Privacy Policy Yuca

1. Introduction

YUCA Corporate Psychology (YUCA) offers services on assessments, individual coaching and team development. YUCA sees it as her responsibility to protect your privacy and to treat your (personal) details with care. In this statement, the privacy policy of YUCA will be further amplified. By using or attributing to our services you accept this privacy policy and you give YUCA permission to use your personal details for this purpose. This Privacy Statement applies to both candidates and customers. For this we use the
following definitions:

• Candidate: A person applying for our services or an employee of a customer.
• Customer: An organization contracting YUCA for the execution of services.

2. Information collected and used by YUCA

In order to offer our services to customers and candidates, it is necessary to collect personal details of individuals.

Personal details

  • Which? Name and address, date of birth, education, gender, e-mail address, telephone number, job position and, if applicable, CV and motivation letter.
  • Why? Personal details are required to create unique users and to apply the correct standards.
  • Retention period: Two years. A comparable period can be necessary for the creation of group reports, or the renewed provisioning of reports to candidates in case of loss.

Results from questionnaires, tests and based upon reports

  • Which? Details coming from questionnaires and tests will be saved adding the date of completion of the questionnaires and tests. This concerns details about personality characteristics, personal drives, preferences, potential behaviour and capabilities. These details are important input for reports created by YUCA.
  • Why? All these details are required in order to be able to render advise about the suitability of a candidate for a certain job position or in order to assess the level in which a candidate is able to develop. Details can also be required in order to make a group or team analysis or can serve as valuable information at the intake of an individual coaching programme. Furthermore, these details will be used to analyse or improve our services, for example meta-analysis and reporting. YUCA will not perform fully automated candidate selections based upon personal details received.
  • Retention period: Results from tests and questionnaires will be permanently saved in the database of YUCA in order to enable further development of the questionnaires or to measure the people’s development between certain periods of time. After two years the personal details will be removed from the database. Consequently, it will no longer be possible to provide any reports with test results. With that, the entitlement to perusal and/or provisioning of reports shall expire, as they will no longer be available.

Customer’s details:

  • Which? YUCA makes use of company and contact information such as name, job title and telephone number. In addition, YUCA will also use information about a candidate provided by a customer. Such information can be records of meetings between customer and candidate, CV’s, job profiles and name and address details of the candidate.
  • Why? Customer information is used to enable the fulfillment of the contract with YUCA. Information about the candidate, often further explained during the intake interview with the customer, gives additional background which will be included during the assessments. YUCA is, for that matter, not responsible for the use of the candidate’s personal information by the customers
  • Retention period: The company and contact details such as name, email address, job titles and telephone number will be saved for as long as is necessary. The information about the candidate supplied by the customer will be saved for two years and will be deleted together with the personal details.

3. Rights, perusal, amendments, objection, deletion and complaints

A candidate or customer is not obliged to give personal details to YUCA. This, however, could mean that YUCA will not be able to render her services. Permission given can be withdrawn at any given time. YUCA can also be requested to discontinue the processing of personal information.

A candidate or customer is at all times entitled to know which personal information is kept at YUCA. The candidate can request perusal, point out inaccuracies and suggest changes. The advisor will correct information in case it is evident that details are incorrect, incomplete or not relevant. The candidate can object to the handling by YUCA or request deletion of the details. For this a request can be sent to A request will be treated within 4 weeks. Any complaints about how YUCA handles personal information, can also be sent to this email address.

4. Storage and security

Your file will be stored by YUCA in such a way that, without the advisor’s consent, the files will not be accessible for anyone. In this way, the confidentiality of your personal information will be safeguarded. Personal information will be stored on different applications used by YUCA for business purposes. The data is stored within the EU, on YUCA’s own servers and in the cloud. YUCA
has taken technical and organizational measures to ensure as best as possible, that the personal information of candidates is protected against loss or inadvertently use. As a result, the information is not in any way accessible for third parties.

5. Confidentiality

At all times YUCA is kept to confidentiality of all information arising from the activities, on condition that this information is private. The professional assessment/findings of your advisor is/are also covered by this confidentiality. This confidentiality will continue to exist after termination of the activities.

6. Provisioning of information to third parties

Only if consented by you shall YUCA proceed to share your personal details with third parties.
You have the right to stop the provisioning of your report.

7. External suppliers

For her services YUCA contracts external service providers who receive personal information of customers and candidates. These external service providers meet the requirements of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). Data processing contracts have been made with them to safeguard the agreements in this Privacy Statement.

8. Changes

YUCA is entitled to amend or supplement this Privacy Statement at any time. YUCA will make an effort to notify her customers, candidates and consultants. If you have questions regarding the privacy policy of YUCA, you can contact us through

This Privacy Statement is issued by:
YUCA Corporate Psychology BV
Koninginnegracht 19
2514 AB The Hague (NL)